Saturday, September 19, 2009

FCC to Propose 'Net Neutrality' Rules on Monday

The Federal Communications Commission’s chairman will propose “rulemaking” for "net neutrality" in an attempt to force Internet service providers to treat the flow of web content equally.

Chairman Julius Genachowski’s [pictured] speech on Monday will strive to “codify into new regulations the principle of nondiscrimination," according to a source speaking to The New York Times.

The issue is a hot one with the online adult industry, because most content is driven by video-on-demand.

Proponents of net neutrality say ISPs should be barred from blocking or slowing traffic based on content.

But the ISPs argue the increasing volume of bandwidth-heavy Internet applications require active management of their networks that drive up costs. They also claim that net neutrality could stifle innovation.

Genachowski is expected to announce plans for the agency to open a formal rule-making process on the issue at its October meeting. The rules would have to be approved by a majority of the FCC's five-person board.

Genachowski’s speech on Monday will be delivered at the Brookings Institute.

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