Friday, September 4, 2009

Get on board, or get out of the way

The following letter was sent to U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, the repugican senator from Iowa.
Dear Sen. Grassley: Stop with these “pull the plug on grandma” statements and the “death panel” remarks concerning health care reform with the public option. The majority of Americans want this in the bill and will remember your comments and lies on this subject.

Union leaders have spoken about the Republican leaders’ comments, the busing of radical people to town meetings, some with guns, and the fear your people are creating for old people.

You will be remembered during your next election for these acts. Can’t your Republicans and blue-dog Democrats have truthful debates about health care reform?

Stop lying to the very people who elected you. This is totally out of hand, and now we hear comparisons of this to Germany under Hitler. Enough is enough. Your job is to represent and support American people; like it says, “We the people ... for the people.” What happened to that?

Ask the seniors on government-run Medicare. Ask the veterans on government-run vets insurance if they want to give it up. And ask your fellow senators if they want to give up their government-run health care.

Get on board with health care reform with the public option, or get out of the way.

Health care reform WILL pass regardless of whatever the shrill wing nut shills scream and their mindless drones march in lock-step to.

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