Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools

Michellle Bachman (retard - Minnesota) says health care reform could "destroy this country forever”
Wrong, NOT reforming health care WILL destroy this country for ever.

Faux's Brick says "There is a coup going on ... through the guise of [last year's] election"
Nope, that was attempted in 2000 and 2004 and almost succeeded except for the 2008 elections.

Brick continues to lie that AmeriCorps is (literally) President Obama's "secret army"
Delusion, delusions, delusions

Brick howls that "free speech is under attack"
Hate speech is under attack, asshole - learn the difference.

Lush Dimbulb liees claiming that Obama brings "totalitarianism"
This illiterate buffoon just has to keep showing us how ignorant he really is.

Dimblub lying again that President Obama is establishing fascism
See answer above.

Faux New 'reports' that Obama's health-care reforms are "sentencing our families to death"
Since when has Faux News actually reported anything?

World Net Daily's Hal Lindsey lies saying Obama is the Anti-Christ
The words World, Net, and Daily says it all ... looneytoons cartoons make more sense (and are funnier to boot.)

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