Sunday, September 6, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools

Paul Broun (reptile - Georgia) lies and says President Obama is trying to make himself a dictator
Nope, we deposed the dictator last November.

James Inholfe (retard - Oklahoma) lies and says "President Obama is obsessed with turning terrorists loose in America"
Actually the round ups are about to begin ... beginning with Inholfe and his ilk.

John McCain (Reject - Arizona) lies saying President Obama thinks senior citizens are "expendable"
Oh, really? So his expanding of retirement options (something repugicans would never contemplate - their idea of retirement is for a person not to let the door hit them in the ass as they are thrown out and don't you dare live too long because you'll have no health care) means he thinks seniors are expendable.

Faux's Brick lies saying Obama is a Marxist who is overseeing a "coup" in America
Nope, the 'coup' failed last November after seven years of trying.

Brick continues to lie saying Democrats have "boot heels on the necks of the poor black and Hispanic children" and "want old people to die sooner"
Wrong, it is the repugicans who had them under their boot heels until we threw them off and they don't like the fact we did so.

Brick is delusional (more so than usual) claiming his 9/12 rally "may be the only thing that stands between freedom and slavery"
The only 'rally' Brick will have is a "rally"big rug burn from grabbing hold of his ankles.

Thomas Sowell lying on Lush Dimbulb's radio hate fest says that under health care "a lot of old people are gonna be sacrificed"
Only if they listen to this shrill wing nut whore.

Lush Dimbulb's "guest host" Walter E. Williams commits treason calling for secession
When are we going to put these traitors behind bars where they belong?

Disney's Michael Savage being more deluded than normal says "Hitler had the Hitler Youth, and Obama would like to have the Obama Youth"
Typical NAZI ... Comparing and accusing others of their own selves.

Jim Quinn fear mongering with lies says "tyranny is in your future ... This is literally a Marxist takeover of the United States"
Just more fear mongering from a typical idiot wing nut.

Quinn continues lying saying progressives are "determined to murder freedom"
Wrong, it was the wing nuts who wanted and still want to 'murder freedom'.

World Net Daily still saying even dumber and dumber thing daily ... the latest - President Obama is just like O.J. Simpson
It's World Net Daily ... enough said.

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