Monday, September 7, 2009

Twenty-Two Percent Rate Hike

Cookie Jill posted this on Skippy ...

22% rate hike

That's what Blue Cross is socking Michigan Blue Cross customers with. Yeah, Michigan...the state that is suffering from massive job losses.
In the past few days, 114,000 Michigan households have received bad-news letters from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, socking individual health insurance subscribers with premium increases averaging 22%, effective oct. 1. - Detroit Free Press
Oh...and just because you pay your premiums and have "insurance", that doesn't guarantee you healthcare.

Canadians pay about $750/year in taxes for healthcare and can go to any doctor, hospital, etc. and do not see a bill.

Americans can pay up to $12,000+/year with no guarantee that they will be able to see a doctor, have their doctor/hospital/pharmacy bills covered or go bankrupt over a sickness and quite possibly a loss of a job (and often their insurance) due to that illness.

Why can't our politicians put it simply...the u.s. currently has a pay or die system.

And yet the morons continue to blather on and on ...

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