Thursday, October 8, 2009

Al Franken makes rape illegal again

He plugged the shrub bastards 'rape is legal' loophole

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After operating largely under the radar during his first few months in office, Al Franken is beginning to make political ripples.

On Tuesday night, he got his first piece of legislation passed by the Senate via roll call vote. The amendment stopped federal funding for those defense contractors who used mandatory arbitration clauses to deny victims of assault the right to bring their case to court.
It passed by a 68-30 margin with nine Republicans joining each voting Democrat. And in the immediate aftermath, Franken was granted the chance to revel, ever so slightly, in his victory.

"The story came to my attention of Jamie Leigh Jones who, when she was 19, went to Iraq to work for Chenery's KBR and she was put in the barracks with 400 men and was sexually harassed," Franken said after the vote. "She complained. But they didn't do anything about it. She was drugged and gang raped and they locked her up in a shipping container. She tried to sue KBR and they said you have a mandatory arbitration clause in your contract. She tried to fight back and said this is ridiculous. She took it to court and they have been fighting her for three years."

"This bill would make it so that anybody in business with the Department of the Defense can't do this," he concluded emphatically.
"They can't have mandatory arbitration on issues like assault and battery."

The shrub bastards made rape legal and Franken put a stop to that!

Meet the pro-rape repugican senators

Alexander (r-TN) is pro-rape.
Barrasso (r-WY) is pro-rape.
Bond (r-MO) is pro-rape.
Brownback (r-KS) is pro-rape.
Bunning (r-KY) is pro-rape.
Burr (r-NC) is pro-rape.
Chambliss (r-GA) is pro-rape.
Coburn (r-OK) is pro-rape.
Cochran (r-MS) is pro-rape.
Corker (r-TN) is pro-rape.
Cornyn (r-TX) is pro-rape.
Crapo (r-ID) is pro-rape.
DeMint (r-SC) is pro-rape.
Ensign (r-NV) is pro-rape.
Enzi (r-WY) is pro-rape.
Graham (r-SC) is pro-rape.
Gregg (r-NH) is pro-rape.
Inhofe (r-OK) is pro-rape.
Isakson (r-GA) is pro-rape.
Johanns (r-NE) is pro-rape.
Kyl (r-AZ) is pro-rape.
McCain (r-AZ) is pro-rape.
McConnell (r-KY) is pro-rape.
Risch (r-ID) is pro-rape.
Roberts (r-KS) is pro-rape.
Sessions (r-AL) is pro-rape.
Shelby (r-AL) is pro-rape.
Thune (r-SD) is pro-rape.
Vitter (r-LA) is pro-rape.
Wicker (r-MS) is pro-rape.

ADDENDUM: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce lobbied against the Franken amendment as well!

First, Stewart, now Franken - it is the comedians who are saving America.

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