Saturday, October 3, 2009

Alan Grayson May Just Fuck Your Shit Up


It's too soon to tell, but there's a good chance that Representative Alan Grayson, he of the "Die Quickly" Republican health care plan, will end up fucking your shit up.
Too rich to be bought off, Grayson's been fucking with the powerful
for a few years now.
As an attorney, he represented whistleblowers, going after the hundreds of millions of dollars in
fraud committed by contractors and others in Iraq.
He told CNN in April 2006, "The development fund of Iraq was
looted by war profiteers and war whores."
Check out the huge ass article on him in Vanity Fair from 2007 (and check out
that goatee).
He went after Halliburton and KBR; he fucked with Dick Cheney.
You think a man whose name is a
homophone with "boner" is gonna trouble him?
Nah, don't think he'll lose an ounce of sleep over any of them.

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