Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bank failures reach 106 for the year - highest since 1992

In yet another stark indictment of the repugican economic model. Friends from Canada were visiting and the banking crisis was one topic of discussion. Our friends told us how Canadian banks were more highly regulated and had higher cash requirements. Following the global banking collapse, Canada then decided to require even more cash from the banks despite them not being hit as hard as their US counterparts.

I don't have the chance to follow their system as much so I'd be interested in hearing more from any of our Canadian readers. Sounds interesting and it could be something to look at. Many times answers to our problems are right there but all too often, countries fail to look at how others have handled the same problem. I credit Obama with starting to look beyond the US border for some issues including transportation. All to often, the US dismisses real world solutions and it's not only a problem of the right.

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