Saturday, October 24, 2009

Diners Dig Into Invasive Lionfish, But Do They Really Care About Saving Coral Reefs?

From Treehugger:

red lionfish pterois volitans indonesia photo

A red lionfish seen at the Tasik Ria diving resort in Manado, Indonesia. Photo by Jens Petersen.

To consumers trying to eat responsibly, supermarket shelves and restaurant menus can sometimes seem like minefields of "don'ts." Don't order that blue fin tuna; it's overfished. Don't eat that non-organic peach; it's loaded with pesticides. Don't buy that chicken; it was raised on a factory farm. So it's really not much of a surprise that when a group of people were told, "Eat this fish and help save the environment," they jumped at the chance.

Article continues: Diners Dig Into Invasive Lionfish, But Do They Really Care About Saving Coral Reefs?

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