Monday, October 26, 2009

FOX anchor gets testy after being challenged on "fair & balanced" by Dem Congressman

Kudos to Democratic Rep. Rob Andrews of New Jersey who called a FOX anchor on his bias, and oh did the FOX show anchor just a bit of pique. It seems that all this discussion of FOX being a political operation of the Republican party is getting under their skin a bit. Which is actually a bit weird. Why is FOX embarrassed to be Republican? That's why they were established? That's who runs them and gives them their marching orders. It is fascinating to watch how easy it is to get FOX's goat. Probably because they know they're not newsmen. They're not journalists. And it irks them that the rest of us know too.

Now here's Congressman Andrews - the good staff is in the last half minute or so.
They don't like it when they are told the truth, now do they?!

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