Sunday, October 25, 2009

Grayson notices cheney's Halloween costume

Cookie Jill posted this over at Skippy the Bush Kangaroo today:

Grayson notices cheney's Halloween costume

Oh, wait...that would be the "dick's" daily costume of vampiric ilk.
Controversial freshman rep. Alan Grayson, who has become famous for attacking the republicans' health care plan, went on the attack again Friday night, calling former vice president dick cheney a vampire for his recent criticism of the Obama administration's handling of the war in Afghanistan.

"I have trouble listening to what [cheney] says sometimes because of the blood that drips from his teeth while he's talking," the Florida Democrat said on msnbc's hardball friday night. "but my response is this: he's just angry because the president doesn't shoot old men in the face. but by the way, when he was done speaking, did he just then turn into a bat and fly away?" - cnn
(h/t why now?)

I think, though, that "captain cajones" does owe an apology to them a really bad rap linking them in with the "dick."

Grayson has started another website...""...stop by and pledge your support for his testicular fortitude.


Well said, well said indeed.

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