Monday, October 19, 2009

Hell Froze Over: Fuel Economy Now More Important Than Number of Cup Holders to U.S. Car Buyers

From Treehugger:

burger king cup holder photo

Car's Liquid Consumption Now More Important Than Driver's
People from all around the world know about the love story between American drivers and cup holders. It's been said that it's simply a sign that Americans tend to drive more than others, or maybe it's a symptom of a fast food culture. Either way, it seems like the fire isn't burning as brightly as before. Could the love affair be nearing an end? According to a consumer survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers, fuel economy is now more important than the number of cup holders to U.S. car buyers (it's sad that it ever was otherwise). In the previous survey four years ago, it was the other way around...

Article continues: Hell Froze Over: Fuel Economy Now More Important Than Number of Cup Holders to U.S. Car Buyers

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