Term Limits Good, when Democrat's control congress.
Term Limits Bad, when Repug's control congress.
Filibuster is a necessary tool of democracy, when Repug's do it.
Filibuster is being "obstructionist", when Democrat's do it.
Special Prosecutor Statute Good, when Democrat is in the White House.
Special Prosecutor Statute Bad, when Repug is in the White House.
Polls mean something, when Repug numbers are up
Polls are "fixed", when Repug numbers are down.
Violating UN resolutions is justification for action, when they are our enemy.
Violating UN resolutions is only ignoring a bad resolution, when they are our ally.
Exit Strategy Good, when Democrat is Commander in Chief.
Exit Strategy Bad, when Repug is Commander in Chief.
Polls mean something, when Democrat numbers are down.
Polls are "fixed", when Democrat numbers are up.
"The courts have ruled", when they agree with the ruling.
The courts are "legislating from the bench", when they disagree with the ruling.
Over-site Good, when Democrat is in the White House.
Over-site Bad, when Repug is in the White House.
Deficit spending good, when Repugs do it.
Deficit spending bad, when Democrats do it.
Dismissing drug use Good, when a Repug does it.
Dismissing drug use Bad, when a Democrat does it.
Dismissing sex acts Good, when it's a Repug.
Dismissing sex acts Bad, when it's a Democrat.
Hypocrisy Good, when engaged in by a Repug.
Hypocrisy Bad, when engaged in by a Democrat.
Friday, October 23, 2009
It all depends
The repugican view of how things work
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