Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools

Paul Broun (reptile - Georgia) lies saying Nancy Pelosi (Democract - California) is a "domestic enemy of the Constitution"
The idiot from Georgia spews.

Lush Dimbulb lying saying President Obama is "trashing," "destroying," "emasculating," America
He just lies and lies and lies and lies ....

Some moron Faux News anchor lies claiming "You can't say the Pledge Of Allegiance in school anymore"
Oh, you can say it all right. You just can not be forced to say it.

Dimbulb lying again saying Obama has put "child abusers" and "perverts" in power
He should know ... being a perverted child abuser.

Richard Land of the southern baptist convention lying saying health care reform "is precisely what the Nazis did"
southern baptist convention ... nothing else needs to be said.

Repugican Floyd Brown 'demanding' impeachment of "totalitarian" Obama for "Fascism, Socialism, Obamaism"
He can 'demand' all he wants, he ain't getting it.

Repugian Congressional candidate Robert Lowry shooting at a target image of Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Michael Steele, head of the repugican party lies saying “Democrats and their international leftist allies want America made subservient to the agenda of global redistribution and control, and truly patriotic Americans like you and our repugican party are the only thing standing in their way
Actually it is we truly patriotic Americans who are preventing the repugicans from selling us for the almighty dollar.

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