Monday, October 19, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools

Dimbulb continues to lie claiming that Democrats plan to "kill you"
And he is about to be put in prison for his lies.

Pat Robertson continuing to lie claiming health reform is "dangerous" and President Obama has " a socialist bent"
Is this never-was still around? Talk about irrelevant.

Lush's demented, deluded rant about "Texas is ready to recede -- secede from the nation because of Obama"
On such a cold day as this it's nice to see the national source of hot air is still belching it out.

Faux's Glenn Brick commits treason yet again claiming he's going to "take the administration down"
The boys in the white coats are on their way to give you your meds and put you in your rubber room.

Dimbulb spewing more lies claiming that "every gun the government has is aimed at us"
Paranoia strikes deep they say and here's proof.

Brick totally misses the mark by comparing Faux News to Jews during the Holocaust, and warning that Obama may become a “brutal dictactor”
Then again what else is new.

Mark Levin lying again says senior citizens “will be expended"
You mean he's out of jail, again?

Brick suffering under the weight of his vast and deep delusions erroneously claims Obama officials "love" Mao, Castro, Che, Chavez, and keeps on lying when he claims "The enemy is not only in the gates, they're inside the house"
One word ... Thorazine.

The NRA tries using it's patented scare tactics in a phony telephone poll: "Should third-world dictators and Hillary Clinton dictate our gun policy?
It's not a poll if you only call NRA wingnuts ... it's a propaganda piece. Here again what else is new?

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