Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lush Dimbulb to Be Dropped From Rams Bid

At least three NFL sources tell ESPN that Lush Dimbulb will be dropped from a potential ownership group that is attempting to buy the St. Louis Rams. The inclusion of Dimbulb in the purchase group has caused a firestorm with many, including NFL Players union executive director DeMaurice Smith slamming the possibility of Dimbulb becoming an owner.

Full Story

And here is the reason why ...

As the issue of Lush Dimbulb possibly obtaining partial ownership of the St. Louis Rams gathers steam as a racial issue, Brave New Films has organized both a video and a petition aimed at telling the NFL what many people already know: Lush Dimbulb is a racist.


Now get this: Lush blames Obama, 'race hustlers' for blocking Rams bid
The fact that he is a lying sack of shit racist has nothing to do with it!

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