Monday, October 12, 2009

More on America's Representative

Wing Nuts in the House have decided not to follow through on their threat to introduce some measure to condemn Congressman Alan Grayson (D -Florida) for speaking the truth (and quite bluntly, I might add) about the the repugicans' health care plan ("Don't get sick and if you do get sick die quickly”).

Here is Grayson explaining the need for health care reform, again sounding like someone who gives a damn.

So refreshing to hear, but why is it so rare to hear a politician giving a damn?

Congressman Grayson will win re-election comfortably next year, because most Americans agree with the Democrats on most issues, especially when they hear plain speaking from a real Democrat. Voters like Democrats who are, you know, Democrats — they want more of 'em, and Democrats who want to be re-elected should start acting like Grayson.

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