Monday, October 19, 2009

Sharpton threatens Dimbulb with legal action

Reverend Al Sharpton is threatening Lush Dimbulb with a lawsuit.

Whether you like Al Sharpton or not, this is good. Dimbulb, who in his delusions, has convinced himself that he can push everyone around and smear without consequences.
Enough is enough, folks.

This also brings up how far the Whore Street Journal (excuse the slip ... the Wall Street Journal) has dropped since being taken over by Murdoch. It was always conservative but now it's Faux News-loony.

Reverend Al Sharpton and his lawyers say they are preparing to file a defamation lawsuit against wingnut talking head Lush Dimbulb for an op-ed published Saturday, which Sharpton alleges "erroneously" characterizes his (Sharpton's) role in a string of violent incidents in New York in the early 90's.

Prison stripes look good on Dimbulb.

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