Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Anti-Defamation League takes on Glenn Beck

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has had enough of the hatred and Nazi imagery being promoted by teabaggers and Glenn Beck.
Today, ADL issued a report, Rage Grows in America: Anti‑Government Conspiracies.
This report has heft coming from ADL. It should cause concern among the wingnuts who are fomenting the rage. (It should, but it won't.)

ADL singles out Glenn Beck from FAUX News for special recognition.
Here's part of what the organization had to say about Beck:
The most important mainstream media figure who has repeatedly helped to stoke the fires of anti-government anger is right-wing media host Glenn Beck, who has a TV show on FOX News and a popular syndicated radio show. While other conservative media hosts, such as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, routinely attack Obama and his administration, typically on partisan grounds, they have usually dismissed or refused to give a platform to the conspiracy theorists and anti-government extremists. This has not been the case with Glenn Beck. Beck and his guests have made a habit of demonizing President Obama and promoting conspiracy theories about his administration.

On a number of his TV and radio programs, Beck has even gone so far as to make comparisons between Hitler and Obama and to promote the idea that the president is dangerous.
That's Glenn Beck in a nutshell all right -- a radical, extremist nutshell.

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