Saturday, November 14, 2009

Beef Safety

A deadly outbreak of E. coli has been traced to a large producer of ground beef that stopped testing its ingredients years ago under pressure from beef suppliers.

A facility in Ashville, New York, owned by the company, AFA Foods, recalled more than 500,000 pounds of ground beef on October 31st after it was linked to an outbreak that has killed two people and sickened an estimated 500 others.

The outbreak has fueled a growing concern among grocers that not enough is being done to protect their customers.

Trader Joe’s, an upscale chain, said this week that it had stopped buying ground beef from the New York plant and was initiating discussions with other suppliers to have grinders test the trimmings they use in making ground beef.

"Trader Joe’s, a privately held company with more than 325 stores in 25 states, said it would consider conducting such tests itself, through a third party, if the grinders refused.

...the retail giant Costco, which makes its own ground beef, has been one of the few retailers to insist on such testing by its grinding facility as an added consumer protection"

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