Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Brick's delusional ... again

Brick being delusional as usual

Brick lies claiming "The republic is under siege", and the White House is "full of revolutionaries
Actually, Brick they saved the Republic it was your ilk that had it under siege for eight years ... and lost.

Brick deluded as usual claims the Democratic Party "is for the most part Marxist," while repugicans are "Marxist-lite"
Spoken like the true NAZI you are, eh, Brick.

Brick calls Secretary of State Hillary Clinton the Anti-Christ
It takes one to know one as they say.

Faux's Glenn Brick keeps on lying claiming liberals are indoctrinating our children with inhuman values that are OK with letting grandma die at the hands of death panels, or something
Nope, that was the shrub and the cabal who were into 'indoctrination' there Brick ol'boy.

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