Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dimbulb Spews

Dimbulb in three lies (what else is new?)

Lush Dimbulb lies saying "The threat that people in this country who want to be free face is now within our own borders"
Nope, we are free and those tried to impose their perversions on us, like you Lush, don't like that we threw you off into the gutter where you belong.

Dimbulb continues to lie claiming President Obama is "destroying" the "private sector" and "it may be on purpose"
Nope, that was the shrub and the cabal abetted by idiots like you Lush.

Dimbulb in his syphilitic delusion keeps up with the lying by 'asking' President Obama "What do you not like about this country that makes you want to inflict this kind of damage on it?"
Nope, our president loves the country unlike you and your ilk Lush, who HATE AMERICA and all it stands for. And you don't like the fact we are repairing the damage you did when you all but destroyed this nation.

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