Monday, November 16, 2009

Echo: Queen of the Elephants

Also from Treehugger:

echo queen of elephants photo
Photo: Animal Planet

Great Documentary Coming to Animal Planet
At the feet of the Kilimanjaro, about 1,200 elephants have been going through one of the worst drought that the Savannah has seen in living memory. For those majestic animals, it is a struggle to stay alive, and to keep those around them safe. Echo: Queen of the Elephants is a new documentary ("Echo has been invaluable in teaching us about the social interactions, communication and leadership of elephants," says Moss. "But to those who have studied Echo for all these years--she is much more than a research subject. Echo is a powerful presence in our lives and the lives of her family. She's been a companion; she's given us joy and filled us with wonder on a daily basis, and for that, I will always be grateful." ) about a group of elephants led by their matriarch, Echo. It was filmed by some of the same people who made the acclaimed Planet Earth, so you know it's going to be something else...

Article continues: Echo: Queen of the Elephants

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