Thursday, November 19, 2009

FAUX News displays old campaign footage to claim Palin is getting ‘huge crowds’ at her book signings


In something the propaganda arm of the Soviet Union Politburo might have done. (and did one more than one occasion, as, has FAUX News)
I'm sure it was a simple oversight.
Just like when Handjob did the same thing last week.
ThinkProgress has the whole delicious story.
John Amato is filing an FCC complaint.
Media Matters offers us two photos to compare:

By the by, John Amato, over at Crooks and Liars, is filing an FCC complaint against Faux for this obvious manipulation of fact.(in case you missed it above)And this is the typical 'Genius' waiting in line for Sarah's Lies (oh, I mean book):Un-friggin'-believable. How stupid can some people be?!

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