Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Global temperatures to rise dramatically by 2100

The numbers could easily get completely out of control, if they're not already.
An increase of almost 11 degrees Fahrenheit (6 degrees Celsius) would make an enormous change but that would be the average.
At the moment, the bloated numbers emissions numbers for US citizens are over two times the UK figure.
During the recession the US numbers have fallen slightly though in China, the numbers are increasing quickly.
China is still around a quarter of the US emissions.
The problem is there but is the world's leadership ready?
Global temperatures are on a path to rise by an average of 6C by the end of the century as CO2 emissions increase and the Earth's natural ability to absorb the gas declines, according to a major new study.

Scientists said that CO2 emissions have risen by 29% in the past decade alone and called for urgent action by leaders at the UN climate talks in Copenhagen to agree drastic emissions cuts in order to avoid dangerous climate change.

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