Sunday, November 22, 2009

H1N1 flu deaths rising in UK

Most people in Europe were expecting the H1N1 flu to hit hard in October, though it never quite materialized then. This month is quite another story. The numbers are going up and it's increasingly common for me to discover that business contacts are out of the office due to the H1N1 flu. At least businesses are telling workers to stay home for at least one week, sometimes two, to avoid spreading.

From The Guardian:
Healthy children between six months and five years old will be vaccinated against swine flu, the Department of Health has confirmed.

The expansion of the government's inoculation program was revealed as the latest weekly bulletin showed a sharp rise in patient deaths and the number of children being admitted to hospital.

The overall number of new cases showed a second successive weekly fall. Health officials estimate there were 55,000 new cases this week in England compared with 64,000 last week. There was a slight drop in Scotland.

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