Monday, November 30, 2009

Huckabee granted clemency to suspect in quadruple cop killer case in Wash state

John Aravosis had this to say about the cop killings in Washington:
This is very bad.
Huckabee has a history of clemency gone wrong.
Let me remind you of a previous Huckabee clemency we wrote about two years ago:
Huckabee basically helped secure the guy's release because the convict had raped a distant relative of Bill Clinton - and being a distant relative of Bill Clinton, the right-wing attack machine said the woman who was raped wasn't credible (even though the guy was convicted), and they demanded that the rapist be set free because, after all, he only raped a Clinton. Well, it seems that Governor Huckabee agreed. He set the rapist free, and then the guy molested and murdered another woman. But even better? Huckabee now denies that he had anything to do with the release of the rapist/murderer. Funny, then why did Huckabee meet with the parole board on behalf of the rapist/murderer?
More on the cop killer story. It's a nasty story.


What is most frightening is the fact that it is typical repugican behavior.

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