Monday, November 16, 2009

I don't know what these people love but it ain't America.

And a few of the prisoners at Guantanamo get genuine trials, while others don't, and what angers the wingnuts isn't that some won't.

Lush Dimbulb thinks it's awful that the accused will receive a fair trial.
Sayruh Palelyn thinks it's awful that the accused will receive a fair trial.
Swill O'Really thinks it's awful that the accused will receive a fair trial.
Me-shell Mal-kin thinks it's awful that the accused will receive a fair trail.
Chuckie Krauthammer thinks it's awful that the accused will receive a fair trial.
Ruby Giuliani thinks it's awful that the accused will receive a fair trail.

Of course former Attorney General My-cull Moo-kasey thinks it's awful, but that is hardly a surprise, since Moo-kasey thinks the entire US justice system is awful.

I have always thought that the idea of innocent until proven guilty was a good one, that due process and the rule of law ought to be more than a mere cliche, but the wingnut's loudest talking heads disagree.

They never stop yelling about how much they love AmeriKKKa and accusing others of hating AmeriKKKa and they just want to 'tweak' AmeriKKKa a bit here and there, and one of their favorite 'tweaks' is skipping trials and declaring people guilty.

I don't know what these people love but it ain't America.

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