Sunday, November 15, 2009

I don't understand why the Wingnuts are so afraid of the justice system..ah, oh never mind.

Some critics say a civilian trial -- instead of a military tribunal -- for self-proclaimed Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his accomplices could end up targeting the shrub cabal and its anti-terror policies.

The Obama administration, in deciding to try alleged Sept. 11 conspirators in a New York courtroom, has said it is setting its sights on convictions, but some critics say a civilian trial -- instead of a military tribunal -- could end up targeting the shrub cabal and its anti-terror policies.

One of those five defendants, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, has been at the center of the debate over those shrub-era polices, in particular the harsh interrogation techniques (read: Torture) used on Mohammed and others in an effort to obtain information on Al Qaeda and any additional attacks.

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