Sunday, November 1, 2009

I'm a temp

Does this ring a bell?

If I don't work ... I don't get paid.
There are quite a number of us who will go to work even though we are sick.
Sorry, CDC.
For millions of Americans the rule is simple: if you don't come to work, you don't get paid.

That idea drives an untold numbers of carpenters, day care workers, servers, shopkeepers and small-business owners to their jobs each day. Sniffles or not.

As the swine flu spreads across the nation — and public health officials plead with the ill to, please, stay home in bed for several days until the fever goes away — a large segment of the American work force will face a tough choice about whether to call in sick or simply muddle through. That's because when skipping work means skipping food on the table or missing a rent payment, staying in bed isn't as simple as it sounds.

Read the rest here

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