Monday, November 2, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools

Lou Dobbs is still harping on the idiotic North American Union conspiracy theory
Simple minds.

Pat Robertson's insane ranting this week includes: "the noose has tightened around the necks of christians"
So what if it has ... how is this a bad thing?

James Manning threatening the president (and committing treason to boot): "If we let Obama live, America dies"
And why is this nutcase not behind bars or in front of a firing squad?

Mitch McConnell (reptile - Kentucky) is still lying saying health care reform "may cost you your life"
He is such a moron there is no need to elaborate.

Alan Keyes keeps up his delusinal lies saying the Obama administration is preparing to stage terror attacks, declare martial law and cancel the 2012 elections
Why does that book by Harriet Beecher Stowe come to mind anytime I see something about this idiot?

Jebby Boy (the shrub's kid bro) (retard - Florida) lies saying Obama is trying to "attack capitalism"
That was big brudda what done that, there, Jebby.

Faux News is 'asking' one of their 'polls' again, this time: "Do you think the Taliban wants victory more than Obama?"
A 'poll' by Faux News - enough said.

Lou Dobbs lying yet again saying Senator Harry Reid (Democrat - Nevada) is "extraordinarily dangerous"
Extraordinarily inept, maybe. Dangerous, not so much.

Michelle Bachmann (Bat-Shit Crazy - Minnesota) in her delusion lies saying "This is our liberty and tyranny moment"
Is she still talking?

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