Friday, November 13, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools

Virignia Foxx lies claiming health care reform is a bigger threat than "any terrorist right now in any country"
She's a stupid redneck - enough said.

Faux's Glenn Brick lies saying the White House and progressives are "taking you to a place to be slaughtered"
OK, which delusion is this from, eh, Brick?

Dimbulb in his syphilitic delusions lies saying that the man who killed 12 soldiers is "just like Obama"
Why is this traitor not behind bars yet?

WingNutDaily lying again claims the mass-murderer advised Obama's transition team
These idiots are still posting?

Brick is fantasizing again and lies saying "anti-free market, Marxist, Maoist radicals" are "looking to overthrow the system"
Delusion number 47, right, Brick?

Paul Broun contines to lie claiming that the health care reform "destroy America as we know it today
Georgia redneck - 'nuff said.

Wingnut Erick Erickson yelling at his fellow morons to tell Nancy Pelosi and the Congress to send Obama to a death panel
Put a sock in it, Erick!

Glenn Brick's guest host lies claiming something about "enslavement" and it will "lead to euthanasia for overweight people"
This is so incoherent even the twisted voids that pass for minds among the wingnuts can't get this.

Michael Savage keeps on lying saying the Democratic Party has been hijacked by "Leninists and Marxists"; "as though Al Qaeda took over the Democrat Party"
So, how many countries are you banned from, now, Mikey?

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