Friday, November 20, 2009

Liars and Fools

Today's Liars and Fools are:

Louie Gohmert (retard - Texas) lies saying Democrats are "allowing terrorism back in New York".
He's an idiot and even some of his fellow wingnuts agree he and those lying as he is are idiots.

Faux's Swill O'Really calls for her murder saying that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will be bobbing up and down in the Boston Harbor" after taxpayers revolt.
OK, now can we finally put this criminal behind bars because inciting murder is a crime you know.

Wingnut christains (is there any other kind?) love a t-shirt that encourages Obama's assassination.
They would ... having being (and still are) the group that has brought the most death and destruction to the human race in the entire history of the human race ... they would

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