Monday, November 23, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools today include:

Lou Dobbs lies saying "one could argue reasonably" that the Obama administration is "socialist".
Nope, any one with reason can not argue that, Louie.

Missouri repugicans call for violent revolution.
Hence the 'FOOLS' part of the post title ...

Steve King (reptile - Iowa) lies saying Obama's decision help al Qaeda recruit terrorists and kill Americans.
So we've found it - the land of Delusions - who knew it was called Iowa?!

Faux's Glenn Brick lies saying "If we don’t stop this insanity now, they will fundamentally transform America. It must end".
He's correct it must end and must end now! Haul his sorry lying deluded ass to jail and lock him in and forget where you put the key.

Four ways repugicans say Obama will kill you now.
More proof of why 'FOOLS' is in the post title ...

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