Saturday, November 14, 2009

On the Missouri front in the repugican Civil War: problems for Roy Blunt

And this is bad, how?

Roy Blunt is the anointed candidate for the repugican Senate nomination in 2010. But, there's lots of rumbling about him in his home state. We already know the teabaggers are keeping an eye on Blunt.

The latest example is from Blunt's meeting with some St. Louis County repugicans:
For 90 minutes, Roy Blunt -- the best-known Missouri repugican running for the U.S. Senate -- underwent an aggressive grilling Thursday night from the suburban party activists who he acknowledged he'll need to win next year.

In return, he sought to sell himself as a tight-fisted wingnut with modest roots and broad experience.

His standing-room-only audience at Chesterfield City Hall of the West County repugicans group included a sizable number who made clear -- although generally (but not always) politely -- that they weren't necessarily buying Blunt's pitch.
They think Roy has gone Washington. And, that whole thing about Blunt cheating on his wife with a lobbyist, then divorcing his wife to marry the lobbyist reinforces that image.

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