Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Repugicans Threaten Cao

How dare he agree to give people health care!

Joseph Cao (r-LA) was solely responsible for dashing the repugican leadership’s hopes of having all 177 of its members vote against historic health care legislation on Saturday. Cao broke with his party and voted with Democrats after speaking personally to President Obama and pressing for more federal funds for his district, which is still struggling after Hurricane Katrina...

The reaction to Cao from the wingnuts has been swift and fierce, with some comparing the only non-Hispanic minority in the repugican caucus to Mao Tse Tung and calling him racial epithets. Don Young (r-AK) - who has defended Cao’s vote - had to stand beside him during Saturday’s roll call, "fending off his repugican colleagues who might have twisted Cao’s arms." Last week, rnc chairwhimp Michael Tom Steele made clear that moderates who don’t walk the party line have no place in the repugican party.

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