Friday, November 20, 2009

Teabagger infighting is leading into chaos

Splintered and infighting among the troglodytes? Well, well, who could have imagined?
Even less surprising is the claim that there is little management experience within the fractured group.
It all sounded so dreamy to the deluded just a few short months ago.
Disagreements over those issues have spawned personal and institutional rivalries, at least one highly contentious lawsuit and — perhaps most significantly — resulted in the splintering of local, regional and national groups into a patchwork of hundreds of smaller groups that occasionally seem to be working at cross-purposes.

“These groups don’t play as well together as they should,” said Kevin Jackson, a St. Louis-based conservative author and activist who has spoken at dozens of tea party-type rallies and is traveling across the South with a convoy sponsored by the national Tea Party Patriots group.

“They’re fractured at the organization level, I think mainly because there are a lot of people who have not had managerial experience who all of a sudden are thrust into the limelight and become intoxicated with it. And when a potential rift comes up, instead of handling it and maybe agreeing to disagree, they splinter and go off on their own.”

It couldn't be happening to a better bunch of idiots, now can it.

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