Saturday, November 7, 2009

Wingnut media would have you believe ...

The wingnut media (as well as corporate media), would have you believe that the repugicans 'winning' the governorships of Virginia and New Jersey this past Tuesday was a mandate for the repugican party and Nazism.

However, the total destruction of the repugican candidates in two special elections in New York and California are not mentioned except in passing if even then.

First of all the state of Virginia has a sacred tradition of electing a governor from another party other than the party of the sitting president since the inception of this nation and it has been a certainty for the past 150 years or so that they did so (prior to that governors of the same party did rarely make it to the governor's mansion), so no surprise or 'mandate' there. Sorry wingnuts you still have no future.

Then there is New Jersey - where an unpopular governor who would have lost to a bag of shit (oh, wait he did), even if he was running for re-election unopposed by anyone. Sorry wingnuts you still have no future.

And what about New York? In New York's 23rd District, national support for a wingnut candidate led to a Democratic victory in an area that had voted repugican since 1852. Sorry wingnuts you still have no future.

Out in California the same thing happened as did in New York - support the wingnut candidate and lose the election in a big way. Sorry wingnuts you still have no future.

And here in North Carolina the city of Charlotte threw out the wingnuts and elected a young Democrat as mayor - and to top it off he is not a WASP. Sorry wingnuts you still have no future.

The 'Mandate' is that the real American people are tired of the wingnuts and are throwing them out like yesterday's smelly fish.

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