Sunday, December 13, 2009

For Wingnuts Online, Plenty of 'Commentary' But Not Enough News

A number of the wingnut's prominent online figures are battling to be the deluded's equivalent of Talking Points Memo or Huffington Post--political organizations that report hard news. Many believe that to truly harness the power of the Web, political organizations must report their own news, rather than comment on reporting from traditional outlets.

"The left needs Daily Kos, but they also need the Huffington Post," Politics Daily columnist Matt Lewis told Politico. He praised the roles of agitators and wingnut talking heads such as Red State's Erick Erickson, but noted that the wingnuts have not yet matched the left's capability for original reporting.

Through HuffPo, TPM, and other politically stilted but journalism-oriented sites, liberals "have the ability to amplify stories into the mainstream media conversation," according to Politico. Wingnuts have a large void to fill when it comes to producing original content, rather than solely commenting on what is already out there. There are wingnut sites providing "original reporting", but there are so far no wingnut equivalents to the left's powerhouse online news operations, (and they never will have).

Full story

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