Thursday, December 3, 2009

Franken 'fallout' has the repugicans fuming

He made the whole repugican party into rapist sympathizers

The repugicans are pissed at Franken because decent people are using a measure he sponsored to paint them as rapist sympathizers - and because Franken isn’t doing much to stop them ...

As a comedian, talk show host and best-selling author, Franken showcased his ability to dress down repugicans with devastating attacks.

Since becoming a senator in July, Franken has publicly tried to maintain a distance from that image - and aides are quick to note that Franken had nothing to do with coordinating the barrage of attacks waged against the repugicans.

But some of his new repugican colleagues argue that the amendment is being grossly mischaracterized - and has spawned attacks like the satirical website - and now question whether Franken is doing a good job of separating his past from his current line of work.

Full Story

But as Bartcop had to say: Franken didn't make you sons of bitches look bad - you did it to yourself when you sided with Halliburton over the women they drugged and raped.

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