Wednesday, December 2, 2009

If You're Thinking of Voting repugican Any Time Soon, Read This Article

Nick Gillespie had this to say over at Reason:

From CNSNews ("The right news. Right now."):

"61 Percent of repugicans and repugican leaning independents say repugicans put 'Too Little' Emphasis on Illegal Immigration, says Washington Post Poll"

That's a story which then goes on to note that 60 percent of the same cohort believes that the repugican party puts "too little" emphasis on government spending and 60 percent say it puts too little on "economy and jobs."

But really, in a time of declining immigration (both legal and not), of staggering deficits that build off the shrub years' precedent, and a craptacular economy, it sure does make sense to stress the illegal immigration issue. Yeah, that's the ticket. As an email from CNSNews' communciations director underscores, "Of those surveyed, another 29% think the issue gets the right amount of focus, while only 1% think the issue gets too much attention. That means that -- taken together – 90% of republicans and independents think immigration should continue to be a defining issue for the party and for America." [emphasis in original]

Good luck in 2010, fellas. You're gonna need it.


Very well reasoned.

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