Thursday, December 24, 2009

Teabagger Worried His Magic Prayers Made God Kill Inhofe

If only it was that easy ...

A panicked teabagger called up C-SPAN in tears today, worried that he accidentally killed repugican Jim Inhofe by praying for Democratic Senator Robert Byrd to die. This is one of the saddest things ever to appear on C-SPAN.

You might have heard that repugican Tom Coburn told health care reform opponents on Sunday to pray for 92 year-old Byrd to die so that Democrats would be a vote shy of the 60 needed to break repugicans’ filibuster. [...]

Inhofe wasn’t dead, of course. According to Roll Call: Inhofe “was absent to fly his wife home to Oklahoma in advance of the Christmas holiday.”

Teabagger Worried His Magic Prayers Made God Kill Inhofe

And they wonder why they are considered to be morons?

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