Sunday, December 13, 2009

Urban 'Gang' Deerly Takes Over The Street

A North Carolina business owner is recovering from injuries she suffered when she encountered a herd of deer on a downtown Tarboro sidewalk.

The Daily Southerner of Tarboro reported that Michelle Brewer was opening the jewelry store she co-owns with her husband when one deer passed by. Then she says so many deer appeared that she couldn't move.

Brewer doesn't remember the deer stepping on her Saturday. But she does recall being eye-level with them before she hit the sidewalk, saying she thinks the deer were as afraid of her as she was of them. Others told her that one deer kicked her several feet in the air before the rest trampled her.

Her injuries included two bruises on the right side of her face and a hoof print on her leg, although she didn't need to go to the hospital.

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