Wednesday, December 9, 2009

World's Smallest Orchid

At only 2 millimeters across, this is the world's smallest orchid. EcoMinga ecologist Lou Jost collected a different plant in Ecuador and later found this tiny orchid hidden in the roots.

From National Geographic:
 News 2009 12 Images 091203-Worlds-Smallest-Orchid-Picture BigThe newfound orchid, part of the Platystele genus, hasn't yet had the type of scientific review that would lead to its official designation as a new species. But, Jost said, orchid expert Carl Luer, a researcher affiliated with the Missouri Botanical Garden, agrees that the plant is a unique species.

The bloom has, for now, no name. "It's just sitting here with lots of others that need to be described," Jost said. "These forests are just filled with new things."

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