Himalayan Houseboats Shut Down

From TreeHugger:

kashmir houseboats lake dal photo

Historic houseboats in the Kashmiri summer capital of Srinagar.

Photo via BBC News

Adventurous, and eco-friendly, travelers often seek out off-beat lodging options, staying in yurts or on organic farms, both to soak up more local color and to avoid the social and environmental impacts often associated with large hotels. But when the small, local option is polluting the landscape, what's a green tourist to do?

Article continues: Himalayan Houseboats Shut Down for Polluting Lake

Mars in 3D

Get out your 3D spectacles! Hundreds of new red-cyan anaglyph images of Mars were recently released by the HiRISE camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).

Click here to see five of the most striking images.

Climate changes Europe's borders

Italy and Switzerland are planning to redraw their shared border, as glaciers that originally guided the line melt – similar moves elsewhere may be less amicable

Climate changes Europe's borders – and the world's

Safely defrost food

3 ways to safely defrost food

Leaving frozen food on the counter all day long may not be the safest way to defrost.

3 ways to safely defrost food

Marijuana won't 'grow our economy'

The president reacts to a question that came from a surprising number of people at his virtual town hall meeting.

Obama: Marijuana won't 'grow our economy'

Dust Responsible for Most of Atlantic Warming

The warming of Atlantic Ocean waters in recent decades is largely due to declines in airborne dust from African deserts and lower volcanic emissions, a new study suggests.

Since 1980, the tropical North Atlantic has been warming by an average of a half-degree Fahrenheit per decade.

Things You Must Never Forget

Whether it is a name, date or directions, there always seems to be something new to remember.

5 Things You Must Never Forget

Backpack Doctors Face Burma's Wrath

Outlaw Doctoring in Burma

Eh Dah Zu, a petite, 24-year-old woman, peeled back layers of white plastic and cloth wrapped around a sugarcane stalk - a prop simulating bone, muscle and skin - before cutting it with a thin cable saw to simulate an amputation.

The exercise, part of a trauma skills workshop in eastern Burma, was a stark reminder that there are no doctors or hospitals in this war-ravaged sliver of mountainous jungle near Thailand, where ethnic minorities have resisted the Burmese army for 60 years. The country’s military junta provides little health care, or access to international humanitarian groups for an estimated 500,000 displaced villagers, many of whom suffer from rampant malaria, malnutrition and one of the world’s highest rates of land-mine injuries.

In response, Burmese refugees in Thailand developed a unique program, effectively sneaking health care into their own country: A network of tiny mobile clinics now dot eastern Burma, where medics like Eh Dah Zu carry medical supplies in backpacks, walk for weeks through remote jungles and risk capture and injury to reach patients.

More in the San Francisco Chronicle

You know what they say about mirrors and luck ...

A broken mirror brought a New Hampshire man bad luck on Tuesday.

Police said a woman called 911 to say she had been cut by a mirror that had fallen on her.

Police and firefighters who responded found a sophisticated marijuana growing operation, including 130 plants growing in a mylar-wrapped room, lamps and a ventilation system.

A resident of the duplex, a 26-year-old man, was was charged with felony level drug manufacturing.

The man was being held on $20,000 cash bail.

Further arrests are expected.

Doctor finishes brain surgery while having a heart attack

An Italian doctor is being called a hero after he refused to abandon brain surgery on a patient despite suffering from a heart attack during the operation.

Dr. Claudio Vitale of Naples insisted on finishing the surgery to remove a brain tumor even though he began to feel chest pains part way through the procedure, Ansa news agency reported.

At the urging of his medical team, the 59-year-old neurosurgeon underwent a blood test once the pains worsened. The test confirmed a heart problem, but Vitale said he “couldn’t leave the patient at such a delicate moment.”

A half hour after finishing the surgery, Vitale underwent an angioplasty operation to treat the angina attack. Both doctor and patient are recovering.

Bobcat attacks two men inside bar

An angry bobcat attacked three people in a central Arizona community yesterday, including two men sitting inside a bar.

I'm mad, I'm mad

I'm mad, I'm mad

The animal originally scratched a Cottonwood woman who thought she hit it with her car, Cottonwood authorities said. Police then received a report about a bobcat acting aggressively toward a woman outside Pizza Hut.

Around 11 p.m. officers were dispatched to the Chapparal Bar where the cat went inside and attacked and bit two men. The other patrons climbed on top of bar stools to get away.

Responding police found the animal in the parking lot and shot and killed it. Test were ordered to see if the bobcat was rabid.

'Sausage-pony' prompts 999 calls

From the BBC:

Mayflower the pony
Mayflower has been described as a "sausage-dog horse"

A pony with short legs and a long body has caused numerous people to call the emergency services in the mistaken belief she is stuck in the mud.

Hampshire fire crews were last alerted on Tuesday as Mayflower was grazing by the River Test in Southampton.

An animal rescue expert said Mayflower seemed to be a cross between a Shetland and a New Forest pony, making her look like a "sausage-dog horse".

Her owner is now considering erecting signs advising passers-by.

Rescue specialist Anton Phillips said Mayflower could appear to be stuck in mud as she was half the height of other nearby ponies.

"We have been called out several times for the animal now and it is getting a bit ridiculous.

"We are changing our mobilising policy for this particular area now and in future we will only send out an animal rescue specialist to evaluate the call-out before sending a full team out," he said.

"These calls from the public are with good intent. When viewed at long range, this pony looks like it is trapped, particularly if it is standing still next to its mates which are twice its height."

Boxed Water

From TreeHugger:

boxed water project photo
Photo via Joy and Revolution

Might boxed water be a solution to bottled water for those who refuse to give up buying disposable containers of water? Boxed Water designer Benjamin Edgar thinks so.

Article continues: Is Boxed Water a Solution to Bottled Water?

Search for tangoing pulsars

The Einstein@Home program uses idle time on computers to search for pulsars in tight orbits around other neutron stars or black holes. These pairs of objects are ideal laboratories for testing the predictions of general relativity (Illustration: Daniel Cantin/DarwinDimensions/McGill University)

Einstein@Home, which searches for space-time ripples, will now look for pulsars that whip around other stars or black holes – they could put general relativity to its toughest test yet.

Home computers to search for tangoing pulsars

Ice that burns could be a green fossil fuel

Natural gas trapped in water crystals could provide enormous amounts of energy – and if a new technology delivers, it could even be emissions-free too.

Ice that burns could be a green fossil fuel

Hate the shrub

Want to know how bad the shrub is hated?
On WWE’s Monday Night Raw, a video from George W. Bush elicited thunderous boos -- even more jeering than the maniacal Randy Orton, who dropped Triple H's wife, Stephanie, on her head and kissed her while a handcuffed Triple H could only watch.
Then Orton hit him with a sledgehammer.
I'm going to repeat that again,
just to be clear: To wrestling fans, George W. Bush is worse than a sledgehammer molester.
~ Peter Rugg,

That's how much.

When even the wrestling fans hate you, you've had it.

And I Quote

The GOP is like the arsonist who complains that the fire department is wasting water...
~ Paul Begala

Obama inherited an ungodly mess: a $1.2 trillion deficit, an economy that was careening from recession into depression.
That's not to mention Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea and the Mexican drug war.
If this were "Sesame Street," the announcer would be saying, 'This program brought to you by the letters G, O and P.'
~ Paul Begala

Blow 'tll we blow

The title of the post tells it all!

You know that AIG buffoon who wrote his resignation letter that was published in the paper last Tuesday?
Response to his letter has been, shall we say, rather colorful to say the least.
One of the best responses I have read has been was this one posted by Skippy over at Skippy the Bush Kangaroo:

dear executives: please fellatiate us until we ejaculate down your throats

richard blair @ the all-spin zone replies to the aig exec who threatened to quit over the bonus fiasco:

dear mr. desantis:

i read your resignation letter to aig ceo edward liddy, which was published in the new york times on my birthday, 3/24/2009. having just turned 55, and being currently unemployed and living check to check, i thought you might be interested in my reaction.

the sense of entitlement that you express is absolutely astounding, and beyond the logical comprehension of a lifelong prole such as myself. you state:

i take this action after 11 years of dedicated, honorable service to a.i.g. i can no longer effectively perform my duties in this dysfunctional environment, nor am i being paid to do so. like you, i was asked to work for an annual salary of $1, and i agreed out of a sense of duty to the company and to the public officials who have come to its aid…

excuse me if i don’t choke up with sympathy, mr. desantis. i have no doubt that during your “11 years of dedicated, honorable service”, you were very handsomely rewarded for your efforts, both in salary and past bonuses. i haven’t even googled your name, but i imagine that you live in a very nice home in a prestigious zip code, and that you hold title to at least one or two other vacation homes in equally toney neighborhoods. you probably drive multiple high end, imported vehicles, have multiple tax-sheltered bank accounts and financial instruments, and have never had to make the choice between feeding your family or paying the electric bill or cutting your pills in half to stretch out a medication prescription. it’s probably also safe to assume that you have a hired staff to attend to your family’s many needs and routine, mundane household chores...

if you feel i’m alone in my lack of compassion for your situation, you might want to check out political cartoonist david rees’ opinion:

pay me $700,000 a year, or however much the aig guy whining in today’s new york times made, and you can threaten me with death all goddamn day. because do you have any idea how much money that is??? hell, i’ll let you throw rocks at me. i’ll let you poison my soup. you can slash my tires and spray-paint my driveway. and once i get all that money, i’m totally paying off some student loans and fixing the garage roof and buying some new pants. because that’s an insane amount of money.
exactly. the problem w/wall street (and most of the gop) is that they are totally disconnected from the rest of us and the reality we are forced to live in on a paycheck-to-paycheck basis.

so when we hear about gazillionaires angry because they can't continue to scam money out of the very system they themselves broke, pardon us if we don't cry.

Nuff said.

Go to Church, Take A Trip

Oregon church can brew hallucinogenic tea for services, judge rules

You can take drugs legally - but - only if you pretend to believe in the right imaginary creatures:

An Ashland church can import and brew a hallucinogenic tea for its religious services, according to a U.S. District Court ruling.

Judge Owen M. Panner issued a permanent injunction Thursday barring the federal government from penalizing or prohibiting the Church of the Holy Light of the Queen from sacramental use of “Daime” tea.

The church, which blends Christian and indigenous religious beliefs in Brazil, uses tea brewed from the ayahuasca plant in their services. The tea contains trace amounts of the chemical dimethyltryptamine or DMT.

According to the church’s lawsuit, the tea is the central ritual and sacrament of the religion where members believe “only by taking the tea can a church member have direct experience with Jesus Christ.”

Full Story

European criminal mastermind's DNA turns out to be tainted forensic swab

A cotton swab may be the most wanted criminal in Europe. For years, cops across southeastern Europe have hunted an cop-killing eastern European woman whose DNA turned up at 17 crime scenes. The crimes were wildly diverse, geographically separated, and had no visible pattern.

It's now believed that the DNA was introduced to the forensic swabs at the factory, and that cops have been hunting someone who probably sticks q-tips in baggies all day and has never committed a crime.

It now turns out that the several-hundred-men task force might have really been chasing a phantom. Alarmed by the apparent randomness of the crimes, involving both highly professional work and seemingly amateur break-ins, they started checking for contaminations in the labwork. The likeliest suspect now are the cotton swabs used to collect evidence at the crime scene. All the swabs used in the forensics works were sourced from the same supplier, a company in northern Germany that employs several eastern-European women that would fit the profile. Even more incriminating, the state of Bavaria lies right in the center of the crimes’ locations, without ever finding matching DNA in crimes on its territory. Guess what: they get their cotton swabs from a different supplier.

By the way: contaminated cotton swabs aren”t as trivial to avoid as one might think. It’s relatively easy to sterilize cotton to prevent infections. Forensics however require a complete destruction or removal of any DNA contamination, which is apparently a lot harder.

Volcano Plumes Spin Like Tornadoes

With Mount Redoubt spitting and sputtering this piece for LiveScience seems appropriate right about now:
The columns of ash and gas that spew from erupting volcanoes behave just like another force of nature, tornadoes, a new study suggests.

Volcanic plumes have been known to spawn waterspouts and dust devils, as well as sheaths of lightning around their roiling debris clouds, but scientists didn't know why.
Read the rest at LiveScience.

Space 'Rosetta Stone' Unlike Anything Seen Before

Meteorite fragments of the first asteroid ever spotted in space before it slammed into Earth's atmosphere last year were recovered by scientists from the deserts of Sudan.

These precious pieces of space rock, described in a study detailed in the March 26 issue of the journal Nature, could be an important key to classifying meteorites and asteroids and determining exactly how they formed.

The asteroid was detected by the automated Catalina Sky Survey telescope at Mount Lemmon , Ariz., on Oct. 6, 2008. Just 19 hours after it was spotted, it collided with Earth's atmosphere and exploded 23 miles above the Nubian Desert of northern Sudan.

Read more here.

And I Quote

There is no expedient to which a man will not go to avoid the labor of thinking.

~ Thomas Edison

(such as joining the repugicans)

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Daily Horoscope

Today's horoscope says:

There is enough going on today to help you make use of all the good vibes you've got going on.

I've always loved good vibrations.