Thursday, July 23, 2009

Man pulled over for driving too slow

And it's about damned time, too!
Too many wrecks are caused by slow drivers!

Man pulled over for driving too slow

Erik Bonstrom gets fined for going 58 mph in a 65 mph zone.

Man pulled over for driving too slow

Great Smoky Mountain Campgrounds Will Not Get Showers Installed Any Time Soon

The National Park Service says there isn't enough water or drainage to add showers to campgrounds in the Smokies.

Great Smoky Mountain Campgrounds

Constipation Relief Via Hammers

Not Such a Good Idea

Viorel Firoiu of Romania decided tools would be more useful to cure his constipation than something like Metamucil.

Granted, he was drunk at the time, but ...

Full Story

Sage Wisdom

The secret to success is to start out from scratch and keep on scratching.

Brick admits to being a criminal

Did Brick just admit to being a criminal!?

Obama isn't rushing public option healthcare

It's been an ongoing discussion since, Roosevelt ... Teddy.
He was the first U.S. President to call for universal health care and national health insurance
But, I figure 100 years is rushing it for the inside the beltway crowd, don't you?!

A Funny One

What did the lawyer name his daughter?


Mexican cartels target polygamist Mormon sect

Mormon pioneer Alma Dayer LeBaron had a vision when he moved his breakaway sect of polygamists to this valley 60 years ago: His many children would live in peace and prosperity among the pretty pecan orchards they would plant in the desert.

Full Story

Jon Stewart Most Trusted Newsman In America

The late Walter Cronkite was once dubbed the "Most Trusted Man in America," in his role as anchor for CBS News throughout much his career that spanned decades.

Did You Know ...

Montezuma, the Aztec emperor, was addicted to chocolate.
He drank 50 servings a day.
It was dyed a red color and favored with chili peppers.

Earthquake brings New Zealand and Australia closer together

Scientists say a massive earthquake has brought New Zealand a foot closer to Australia.

Full Story

Fate of marijuana mine in limbo

An abandoned mine in northern Canada may lose its role as the country's only government-sanctioned marijuana farm.

Full Story

Naked girls plow fields to bring rain

In a 'time "honored" tradition' - that you will not see in Nebraska anytime soon.

Farmers in eastern India are having their unmarried daughters plow parched fields naked to embarrass the monsoon gods into sending rain for their crops.

Full Story

Obama 'way off base' with comment

From the "I acted stupidly and don't like the fact I was called on it" Department:
Mass. cop: Obama 'way off base' with comment

A white police sergeant who arrested renowned black scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. says he's disappointed in the president's rebuke.


Osama bin Laden's son likely killed in Pakistan

Osama bin Laden's son likely killed — report

The Taliban leader's son reportedly died after a U.S. missile strike in Pakistan earlier this year.

One of Osama bin Laden's sons may have been killed by a US missile strike in Pakistan earlier this year, National Public Radio reported.

Saad bin Laden, the Al-Qaeda leader's third-oldest son, is "believed" to have been killed by Hellfire missiles fired from a US Predator drone "sometime this year," the US broadcaster said on its website, AFP reported.

US spy agencies are "80 to 85 percent" sure that Saad bin Laden is dead, a senior counter-terrorism official told NPR, while acknowledging that it was difficult to be completely sure without a body on which DNA tests could be conducted.


Mayors, lawmakers nabbed in corruption probe

Mayors, lawmakers nabbed in corruption probe

Officials arrest more than 40 in New Jersey — including mayors, legislators, and rabbis — in a sweeping international money laundering ring.

Corruption probe


Hospital defends secretly deporting patient

Hospital defends secretly deporting patient

A Florida hospital says the man wanted to go home to Guatemala, but a potentially precedent-setting lawsuit claims otherwise.

Deporting patient


Dow hits highest point in months

Dow hits highest point in months

Surprisingly good news sparks a surge on Wall Street, bringing the Dow above 9,000 for the first time since early January.

Highest point in months


Chimpanzees in the Wild Do Get Sick from AIDS After All

Chimpanzees, the closest animal relatives to humans, aren't immune to the deadly impact of AIDS as scientists long believed, researchers reported in the journal Nature.

Chimpanzees in the Wild Do Get Sick from AIDS

Wrong Number

A woman meant to call a record store but dialed the wrong number and got a private home instead.

"Do you have 'Eyes of Blue' and 'A Love Supreme'?" she asked.

"Well, no," answered the puzzled homeowner. "But I have a wife and eleven children."

"Is that a record?" she inquired.

"I don't think so," replied the man, "but it's as close as I want to get."

And I Quote

By three methods we may learn wisdom:
First, by reflection, which is noblest;
Second, by imitation, which is easiest;
and third by experience, which is the bitterest.

~ Confucius

Unusual Holidays and Celebrations

Today is:

All-American Soapbox Derby Day

as well as

Gorgeous Grandma Day


Hot Enough For Ya Day

Tips to save at the movies

Tips to save at the movies

These discount opportunities can save you up to 70 percent on your next trip to the theater.

Save at the movies


Careers with great futures

10 careers with great futures

These fields are projected to have higher-than-average employment growth rates and a huge demand for workers.

10 careers


Daily Almanac

Today is Thursday, July 23, the 204th day of 2009.

There are 161 days left in the year.

Today In History July 23, 2009

Our Readers

Some of our readers today have been in:

Valencia, Comunidad Valencia, Spain
Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Amman, Amman, Jordan
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Delhi, Delhi, India
London, England, United Kingdom
Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Regensburg, Bayern, Germany
Belgaum, Karnataka, India

as well as Singapore, Bulgaria, and the United States

Daily Horoscope

Today's horoscope says:

Cleaning and organizing have you completely captivated.
You can't think of anything you'd rather do than alphabetize your media collections.
Once everything is exactly where you want it to be, though, you might want to turn your attention toward one other activity, just briefly.
Isn't there someone out there who's been trying for days now to entice you into spending a few minutes alone with them?
You have a wonderfully clean nest to show off.
Invite them over.

What to you mean 'invite them over' - I'm only on the "C's"!