Glenn Beck Is “A Snake-Oil Salesman’s Dim-Witted Assistant”

“Watching Beck, who sometimes resembles a snake-oil salesman’s dim-witted assistant accidentally promoted to the top job, makes a foreigner wonder just what’s happening to American conservatism … I don’t want to seem forward or rude, but one can’t help but ask: Have you people lost your minds?”


In typical straight-forward Scots fashion Alex Massie puts it plainly.

Full Story

As you can see even those outside the U.S. think he's an imbecilic moron like those of us in the U.S. that have functioning brains do.

And I Quote

Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.

~ Mark Twain

Daily Riddle

What do you get if you cross an insect with the Easter rabbit?

Bugs Bunny.

Psychopaths are distracted, not cold-blooded

An attention deficit, rather than an inability to feel emotion, may make psychopathic people seem fearless.

Science News

From BBC-Science:
Fossils of a new type of flying reptile which lived 160 million years ago are found in China, bridging an evolutionary gap.

Noise pollution is becoming a major threat to the welfare of wildlife, according to a scientific review.

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools

Paul Broun (reptile - Georgia) lies saying Nancy Pelosi (Democract - California) is a "domestic enemy of the Constitution"
The idiot from Georgia spews.

Lush Dimbulb lying saying President Obama is "trashing," "destroying," "emasculating," America
He just lies and lies and lies and lies ....

Some moron Faux News anchor lies claiming "You can't say the Pledge Of Allegiance in school anymore"
Oh, you can say it all right. You just can not be forced to say it.

Dimbulb lying again saying Obama has put "child abusers" and "perverts" in power
He should know ... being a perverted child abuser.

Richard Land of the southern baptist convention lying saying health care reform "is precisely what the Nazis did"
southern baptist convention ... nothing else needs to be said.

Repugican Floyd Brown 'demanding' impeachment of "totalitarian" Obama for "Fascism, Socialism, Obamaism"
He can 'demand' all he wants, he ain't getting it.

Repugian Congressional candidate Robert Lowry shooting at a target image of Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Michael Steele, head of the repugican party lies saying “Democrats and their international leftist allies want America made subservient to the agenda of global redistribution and control, and truly patriotic Americans like you and our repugican party are the only thing standing in their way
Actually it is we truly patriotic Americans who are preventing the repugicans from selling us for the almighty dollar.

'Birther' leader Orly Taitz hit with fine

Federal Judge Clay Land has levied a $20,000 fine on bonkers birther lawyer Orly Taitz for her repeated frivolous filings.

A federal judge issues a scathing rebuke of the latest challenge to President Obama's citizenship.

They do some strange things down there in Georgia

The Georgia Supreme Court has ruled that voting is about queuing up and looking all voting-like, but the next step, actually counting the votes, isn't important at all.

Hong Kong Apartment Sells For Whopping $57 Million

It's a price tag that would make even New Yorkers and Londoners gasp - an out-sized luxury apartment sold for nearly $57 million in Hong Kong, Wednesday amid growing fears of a real estate bubble.

Hong Kong Apartment Sells For Whopping $57 Million

State asking for $7 million back from University of Idaho

Idaho Governor Butch Otter says the state is broke and can't operate unless state agencies give back some of the money they got from state coffers.

Marine's widow receives Senate help

A Marine's widow who has been fighting to remain in the U.S. with her 8-month-old son is now getting bipartisan help from the Senate.

Full Story

Unusual Holidays and Celebrations

Today is

Be Bald and Be Free Day,
International Top Spinning Day
National Bring Your Teddy Bear To Work Or School Day

Daily Almanac

Today is Wednesday, Oct. 14, the 287th day of 2009.

There are 78 days left in the year.

Today In History October 14

Our Readers

Some of our readers today have been in:

New Delhi, Delhi, India
Stoney Creek, Onatrio, Canada
Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germay
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Philipsburg, Saint Maartin, Netherlands Antilles
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Salisbury, England, United Kingdom

as well as Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the United States

Daily Horoscope

Today's horoscope says:

No matter what you are debating doing right now, you aren't going to come to any conclusions today -- so don't push yourself too hard.
Instead, use this day to do some more research on your options.
Go online and find out what other people who have been in your situation choose to do -- and how they feel about their decision.
Ask for advice from your friends.
Making a decision about your life doesn't always have to be something you do alone.

Got it.