Thursday, January 14, 2010

China holds firm in favor of censorship

Did anyone really think the repressive Chinese government would back down to Google or any other foreign company?
China would much rather have a local search engine company such as Baidu who they can control.
Google, Yahoo! and other US based internet companies should have known this all along and held firm to their ideals instead of selling out earlier.
Were they really so naive?
Minister of the State Council Information Office, Wang Chen, said that online pornography, fraud and "rumors" were a menace. He said Internet media must help "guide public opinion" in China, which has the world's biggest number of Internet users at 360 million. He did not mention Google.

Wang's comments suggested little room for compromise in the Internet dispute that could stoke tensions between China and the United States, already at odds over the yuan currency, trade, climate change, and Taiwan.
On a more amusing note, China's top internet search engine was the victim of attacks by Iranian hackers.
Very strange.

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