Friday, January 15, 2010

It's a Blond World

A blond goes to the Hairdresser's and chooses a hairdo.
Seated in the chair, she declines the request to remove her headphones.
The assistant warns her it's a lot more difficult to cut her hair with the phones on, but she persists.
The hairdresser is nearly finished with his job, as, in his enthusiasm he cuts the wire of headphones.
While he's making his apologies, the blond drops out of the chair.
After the ambulance has arrived, the medic can only declare the girl dead.
Of course, they close the shop for the day and, while cleaning the shop floor, the hairdresser finds the blond's ipod, which is still playing.
Being curious, the hairdresser takes his own headphones to hear what the girl was listening to.
All he hears is: "Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out, breath in......."

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