Wednesday, January 20, 2010

John Ensign - Criminal

A repugican sex and money scandal involving John Ensign is now the subject of a criminal investigation:
The Justice Department has begun a preliminary investigation into actions by Sen. John Ensign (r-Nev.), who arranged to provide money and career assistance to the husband of his mistress, sources familiar with the case said Tuesday.

The tentative investigation is being run jointly by the Justice Department, the FBI's Washington Field Office and the U.S. attorney's office in the District, one federal law enforcement official said.

Ensign acknowledged last year that he had an extramarital relationship with former staffer Cynthia Hampton and that his parents paid nearly $100,000 to Hampton and her husband, Doug, as a gift. Doug Hampton has also told reporters that Ensign knowingly ignored ethics restrictions by helping him get a lobbying job and access to federal officials, according to news reports.
There's probably some secret Senate rule that would allow Ensign to keep filibustering even if he's in jail. And if there isn't the repugicans will claim there is one anyway ... as long as they are the only ones allowed to use it.

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